Amie helps you navigate all of life’s seasons to grow your capacity, experience healing and find your sense of purpose. She is grounding, inspiring and beautifully real. Amie has a special talent to hold space for you as you dive into the depths of whatever you are facing in life. She has steady and transformative offerings here in Madison, Wisconsin, as well as offering retreats and adventures around the globe.

What season are you in now? Where do you want to grow your capacity?

 This photoshoot is from the vault in 2016 and I can’t wait to do another one in the near future to reflect her growth and shifts. Amie is an evolving woman, just like you, getting called forth deeper and deeper into her calling. Reach out to her to “improve the health of your body, instill the stability and resiliency of your mind, and to open the pathways to supreme treasure in your heart”.

What treasures does your heart hold? 

from our photoshoot. . .

Refresh your business with clarity + flow!

I empower + inspire heart-led entrepreneurs to grow their business with purpose through supportive collaboration, authentic brand photography + powerful messaging. Let this be the season of MORE LOVE for your business, yourself + your life.

Learn more about this collaborative process