I met Nosheen, owner of Art Gecko State Street, back in 2011. She is a woman in her power, making decisions with confidence and empowering her employees to find their strengths. Nosheen leads with compassion and boundaries and delegates with grace. Plus she looks good doing it with bold Bohemian looks from artisans in Bali and stunning statement jewelry, during Wisconsin winters, no less. 

Art Gecko and Nosheen have remained constant fixtures on State Street for over 25 years, while so many other shops and owners have come and gone. Art Gecko is not only the endearing hippie shop it was known for in the 90’s. It’s an evolving business, inviting you to transform and grow into who you want to be. 

When we started working together in June 2022, business was going well despite the challenges of the past few years, but Nosheen couldn’t identify why they were so resilient. The truth was clear: the tone Nosheen was embodying, just by being her fierce compassionate self, was making all the difference.

Are you aware of all the ways you shine brightly?

Even though Art Gecko isn’t the typical example of a personal lifestyle brand, Art Gecko State is Nosheen and Nosheen is Art Gecko State. Her ability to stay open-hearted, judgement free and welcoming was inspiring the staff team and customers, alike. The brand was there all along, we just needed to pro-actively name it and lean into it!

Are you pro-actively defining your brand and what it represents?

Nosheen walks through the world with confidence, but that first photo shoot was about accessing her confidence in a new way. It was about her stepping into the spotlight, in an intentional way, and saying “YES! This is my business and I am going to put out the message, vibe and tone that is true to me!” What an honor to witness this woman step deeper into her heartpath! Can you feel it? I can!

What areas would you like to expand your confidence? What’s one thing you can do today to strengthen your confidence? (Check out 4 ideas here)
  • Other services received: Defining a brand voice, doing monthly studio shoots for their products, seasonal lifestyle shoots, social media roll out, upgrading their website, starting up a monthly newsletter
  • Song of choice: Africa by Toto
  • Embodiment Tool of choice: Deep Breathing
  • Find her at https://www.artgeckostate.com/


from our photoshoot. . .

Refresh your business with clarity + flow!

I empower + inspire heart-led entrepreneurs to grow their business with purpose through supportive collaboration, authentic brand photography + powerful messaging. Let this be the season of MORE LOVE for your business, yourself + your life.

Learn more about this collaborative process